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Open Enrollment is over, now audit those first bills
Your next invoice is going to be wrong The 1st and 2nd invoices after Open Enrollment all almost always wrong. Yep, always. Well, for those of you with zero staff changes who you got everything done 60 days in advance of your renewal date, you are an exception to...
Association Health Plans are coming: A word from our lawyers
DOL Releases Final Rule Expanding Association Health Plans The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a final rule expanding the opportunity of unrelated employers of all sizes (but particularly small employers) to offer employment-based health insurance through...
The Paradox of Change It’s interesting that when a problem becomes so big that it forces you to act, it can at the same time cause you to accept the consequences as the new normal. Think of pollution, it took so many years for it to affect our climate that even...