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Giving is just one of my Core Values

Giving is just one of my Core Values

I just couldn't not do it That is how I feel about giving back and giving to others.  Whether it's money or time or the very clothes off my back. I'm fortunate to be surrounded by an organization that just naturally gives too.  AG doesn't do a singular effort in any...

Saving time with Direct Deposit

Saving time with Direct Deposit

Client Stories:  Kristin's Story As a Human Resource Administrator, I have learned that direct deposit can be an issue for many of our employees, including our employer.  The idea of getting everyone onto a direct deposit platform seemed almost impossible, but with a...

Shopping for Healthcare

Shopping for Healthcare

Black Friday!!  Wait for Healthcare? Would it surprise you that most Americans are willing to spend more time researching TVs, cell phones, vacations, and vehicles than they are learning about their own healthcare options?  Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of...

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