In the ongoing list of complaints regarding the Affordable Care Act recently the DOL, IRS and PBGC released proposed changes to modernize and improve the existing 5500 form or annual return for employee benefit plans.  This would essentially require all small groups (employers under 100 enrollees) who are currently exempt to file and be compliant or face up to a $2,125 a day fine.


Is this surprising?

Let’s face it would any of us go the speed limit if traffic violations didn’t exist?  Would anybody pay taxes if wages couldn’t be garnished or property wasn’t seized?  The reality is if rules aren’t enforced they simply aren’t obeyed.  Also anytime we have to forcibly follow a rule we rebel it’s just our nature. That being said we can continue to complain and pay for fines that anger us or take a deep breathe, hire a competent broker and simply say “Thanks Obama”.


Check out Our Homework:

DOWNLOAD:  Proposed Changes

DOWNLOAD:  What is the form 5500?

Angel Saucedo

Angel Saucedo


About the author: Angel joined the AG team in 2016 after partnering with us on several projects for mutual clients over the course of the last decade. Now he brings his charisma, his big brain and his desire to make a positive impact to our collective team of industry leading consultants.  Oh, and he is already a published author with the University of Texas Press before he ever picked up a pen for our humble AG Blog.

About AG Insurance: AG Insurance ( helps employers and their employees with solutions focused on positive organizational impact and improved employee experiences.

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