We add a voice to your management team.
We enhance the ideals you cherish.
We acheive the tasks too big to do alone.
We measure results and hold our firm accountable.
Are you watching your game film?
I first must apologize to any women reading this since I will be using another sports analogy. Most sports enthusiasts know that players and coaches regularly watch their game film to improve, correct, or better understand their opponent. When a team wins a...
More Companies paying for “Supplemental” Benefits
Start with a shrinking workforce A couple weeks ago, I attended a luncheon in which a member of the Federal Reserve Bank mentioned that there is a shortage of labor workers not just nationally, but globally. He said that this trend would continue to rise because many...
IRS advises Employer Penalty letters to be mailed out in late 2017
IRS Updates Employer Mandate FAQs: Indicates that Penalty Letters are Imminent The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has updated its list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the Affordable Care Act’s employer shared responsibility provisions – also known as the “pay...
Our Skills.
We realized that we must go beyond insurance and understand your company, your industry and your people to create measurable results.
Insurance & Technology
Insurance & Tech & Compliance